6/16/2022 1 Comment 5 FAQ About Tubular HeatersTubular heaters are generally used for industrial heating, conduction, convection, and radiation heating. You'll find that many greenhouses utilize tubular heaters to keep away frost and to take the chill from spaces in areas where it’s difficult to have traditional heating. Other industries that regularly use tubular heaters include retail food, residential construction, and industrial applications. Yes, tubular heaters are safe for both indoor and outdoor functions. Tubular heaters are designed with an aluminmum heat-resistant coating. So when the inside of the tube gets hot, and as the heat radiates outside of the tube, that aluminum coating doesn't overheat. The lifetime of a tubular heater can reach up to 15 years. It all depends on the environment and conditions in which it's used. Proper maintenance, as with any heating element, will lengthen its lifespan. Absolutely. For example, the infrared tubular heater can reduce your energy bills tup to 50% compared to other heater elements. Tubular heaters are fairly cheap to run, as most won't exceed 120 watts. They are also economical enough to run them continuously in cold weather without a thermostat. A tubular heater simply produces heat within a confined area. That heat is then radiated into the material it's heating. Tubular heaters can be applied to a variety of surfaces and liquids. Proheat also offers a variety of industrial heating products, including band heaters, cartridge heaters, strip heaters, tubular heaters, immersion heaters, and more. We are dedicated to provide excellence in distribution.
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