Basic Constructions

Option 1
Barrel nut strap leads in metal braid exit through edge on both sides on both sides of gap.

Option 2
Barrel nut strap leads without metal braid exit through edge on both sides of gap.

Option 3
Barrel nut strap leads exit through outside surface of heater. Options A,B & D. Option A (Armor) is shown.

Option 4
Barrel nut strap leads exit through edge 180 deg. from gap. This construction not recommended for bands under 2" wide. Options B & C. Option B (Braid) is shown.

Option 5
Barrel nut strap leads exit through edge, inside gap, one from each side of gap. Suggested for use on small diameter bands where leads are not subjected to strain or plastic drool. Option C only.

Option 6
Flanged lock-up leads exit through edge on both sides of gap. Option B & C. This construction available, but not recommended. Use of Type 1 or 2 is suggested.

Option 7
Barrel nut strap leads in metal braid exit through edge, both leads at same side of gap.

Option 8
Barrel nut strap - One piece post-terminal at each end of heater.

Option 9
Barrel nut strap - Two piece post-terminal at each end of heater.

Option 10
Barrel nut strap - One piece post-terminals at same end of heater. This terminal arrangement suggested for bands 3" or more in width.

Option 11
Barrel nut strap - Two piece post-terminals at same end of heater.

Option 12
Barrel nut strap - Expandable options A, B, C & P. Option P (Post Terminal) is shown.

Option 13
Barrel nut strap partial coverage band with padded clamping straps. Options A, B, C & P. Option P (Post Terminal) is shown.

Option 14
Flanged lock-up one piece leads exit through outside surface of heater . Options A, B & C. Option A (Armor) is shown.

Option 15
Flanged lock-up - Two piece leads exit though outside surface of heater. Options A, B & C.

Option 16
Tapered wedge lock leads exit through edge. Options B & C. Option C (Flexible Leads) is shown.

Option 17
Flanged lock-up - Hinged post terminal at each end of heater.

Option 18
Flanged lock-up - Hinged post terminals at same end of heater. Terminals are normally located near hinge unless otherwise specified.

Option 19
Flanged lock-up - Hinged leads exit through outside surface of bank. Options A, B & C. Leads are normally locate near hinge unless otherwise specified. Option C is shown.

Option 20
Flanged lock-up - One piece post terminal at each end of heater.

Option 21
Flanged lock-up - Two piece post terminal at each end of heater.

Option 22
Flanged lock-up - One piece post terminal at same end of heater.

Option 23
Flanged lock-up - Two piece post terminals at same end of heater.

Option 24
Extended flanged with electrical connections - One piece. Options A, B, C & P.

Option 25
Extended flanged with electrical connection - Two piece. Options A, B, C & P.

Option 26
Hexagonal band heater lead lead arrangement shown is suggested.

Option 27
Omega's patented premium Nozzle Heater resists plastic drool rugged construction higher watt density.
When Ordering, Please Specify:
- Quantify
- Inside Diameter
- Width
- Voltage: on two piece band we suggest each piece be rated at half the operating voltage. Please specify total voltage.
- Wattage - on two piece bands please specify total wattage.
- Basic Construction & Options Desired - see below
- Part Number - if known or previously ordered.
- Gap -if other then factory determined minimum.
- Lead Length - if other than standard 12 inches.
Optional Features
- (A) Flexible armor (BX) installed over flexible leads.
- (B) Metal braid installed over flexible leads.
- (C) Flexible leads - asbestos and fiberglass insulated nickel or nickel clad conductor. Installed with 2" fiberglass boot.
- (D) Low profile band.
- (E) Terminal box.
- (F) Flexible armor in right angle bracket.
- (G) Thermocouple hole.
- (H) Button Terminals
- (I) Appliance pins.
- (J) Twist lock plug installed on leads.
- (K) Extra wide gap - specify.
- (L) Grounding stud.
- (M) Dual voltage - specify.
- (N) Stainless steel sheath.
- (O) Low profile strap.
- (P) Post terminals.
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